Restore Confidence Through Facial Rejuvenation

At Ascentist Plastic Surgery (located in the Overland Park suburb of Kansas City, KS), we understand the emotional weight that can accompany the decision to undergo a facelift. The natural aging process and external factors may cause feelings of self-consciousness and diminished confidence. By choosing Ascentist for your facelift procedure, you are entrusting your journey to a team dedicated to restoring more than just facial features; we are committed to rejuvenating your confidence and sense of self.

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What Is a Facelift?

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure to reverse the visible signs of facial and neck aging. It involves lifting and tightening the underlying facial muscles and tissues while removing excess skin to create a smoother, more youthful appearance. This comprehensive approach addresses sagging skin, deep creases, and jowls, contributing to a refreshed and rejuvenated facial profile. A facelift at Ascentist Plastic Surgery is tailored to each individual's unique anatomy and desired outcomes, ensuring a harmonious and natural-looking result.

The Benefits of a Facelift

Revitalize your appearance and confidence with a facelift. Our expert procedures offer numerous benefits, including the following:

Youthful Contours

Achieve a firmer, lifted facial and neck contour.

Smoother Skin

Reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Enhanced Facial Harmony

Restore balance and symmetry to your facial features.

Natural Results

Enjoy results that look refreshed and not overly "done."

Boosted Confidence

Experience the emotional uplift that comes with a revitalized appearance.

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Is a Facelift Right for Me?

If you are unhappy with your appearance due to signs of aging, such as sagging skin, deep creases, or a loss of facial volume, a facelift at Ascentist Plastic Surgery might be the ideal solution. The ideal candidate for this procedure typically desires to address these specific concerns, seeking a comprehensive rejuvenation of the face and neck. If you yearn for a more youthful and revitalized appearance, a facelift could be the transformative solution you're looking for. However, to determine the appropriateness of this procedure for your unique needs, we recommend a personalized consultation with our expert team at Ascentist Plastic Surgery.

What to Expect: The Facelift Procedure

On the day of your facelift surgery at Ascentist Plastic Surgery, you will be administered anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. To access the underlying facial tissues, we strategically place incisions, typically concealed within the hairline and around the ears. The underlying muscles are tightened, and excess skin is carefully removed to address sagging and restore a youthful appearance. The procedure duration varies based on the extent of correction needed but generally takes several hours. As for discomfort, patients typically experience minimal pain during the procedure due to the effects of anesthesia. At Ascentist, we utilize advanced techniques and our expertise in facial anatomy to achieve natural-looking results tailored to your unique features.

Facelift Recovery

Following your facelift, you may experience swelling and bruising. It's common for patients to take about one to two weeks off from work and social activities to allow the initial healing process. While discomfort is minimal, pain can be effectively managed with prescribed medications. You'll be advised to keep your head elevated to reduce swelling and follow specific postoperative care instructions provided by our team. Initial results will become apparent as swelling subsides, but the full impact of your facelift will unfold gradually over the following weeks. We will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure your healing as expected. Our dedicated team at Ascentist Plastic Surgery is committed to providing ongoing support during your recovery journey, ensuring the best possible outcome for your facelift procedure. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns as you heal.

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Why Choose Ascentist Plastic Surgery?

Choose Ascentist Plastic Surgery for your facelift to experience the transformative artistry of our skilled plastic surgeons. Located in the vibrant Kansas City metropolitan area, our practice proudly serves patients from Overland Park and surrounding areas. Our commitment to personalized care, innovative techniques, and natural-looking results make us the ideal partner for your journey to a refreshed appearance. Rediscover your confidence as you entrust your facial rejuvenation to our expert team. Schedule a consultation today and embark on the path to a more vibrant, youthful version of yourself with Ascentist Plastic Surgery.

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Mini Facelift

Mini Facelift

Embark on a subtle yet powerful transformation with our mini facelift, designed to enhance natural beauty with minimal downtime.

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Deep Plane Neck Lift

Deep Plane Neck Lift

Embark on a journey to redefine your neck's contours and restore youthful elegance with our deep plane neck lift.

Woman and doctor during consultation
Brow Lift

Brow Lift

Experience a rejuvenated and lifted look with our expert brow lift procedure, designed to enhance your facial contours and restore a youthful appearance.

Woman and doctor during consultation
Facial Fat Transfer

Facial Fat Transfer

Unlock a naturally rejuvenated appearance with facial fat transfer, a transformative procedure harnessing your body's resources for lasting beauty.

Woman and doctor during consultation


Open your eyes to a brighter, refreshed look with blepharoplasty, a transformative procedure to rejuvenate the appearance of your eyelids.

Woman and doctor during consultation
Lip Lift

Lip Lift

Elevate your facial aesthetics and reveal a more youthful smile with a lip lift at Ascentist Plastic Surgery.

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